Transitional reinsurance program assessment fee

Transitional Reinsurance Program Assessment Fee

The Transitional Reinsurance Program Assessment Fee pertains to insured and self-insured plans for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016. Sponsors of self-insured plans are required to submit enrollment counts to the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), by November 15, 2014 for each applicable year. The proposed fee, $63 per individual enrolled under a plan for the year 2014, $44 for 2015, and unknown for 2016, can be paid in two installments beginning in January 2015. Final regulations, issued in March 2014 by the HHS, exempted self administered, self insured plans from the fee for 2015 and 2016 but not for 2014. Self-administered plans are those that generally do not use a third party administrator for claims processing.

If you are unsure if your organization needs to adhere to the transitional reinsurance program assessment fee, please contact the TBC Employee Benefit Plan Audit leaders Christine Oliver or Kathleen O’Neil by calling 456-6663 or contacting either of them via email at [email protected] or [email protected].