
Energize your tax planning with the Section 179D deduction

In 2005, Congress passed the Energy Policy Act. The law created a tax incentive tied to the design or installation of energy-efficient interior lighting, HVAC, hot water or building envelope systems in commercial buildings.

Don’t lose your charitable tax deduction on use restrictions

Charitable Giving paper message on assorted cash

When taxpayers contribute property to charitable institutions, they generally follow up by claiming a charitable deduction on their tax returns. But that deduction isn’t a given — you must comply with the IRS’s strict requirements.

When can our small business sign up for SHOP coverage?

Professionally dressed man holding medical icon

Question: We’re a small employer and would like to make health coverage available to our employees through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP). Is there a specific time of the year when we must sign up for this coverage?

Not so fast! Federal court denies real estate agent’s rental loss deduction

The IRS generally considers rental real estate investments as passive activities, meaning taxpayers can use any related losses only to offset income from passive investments. The tax code does grant an exception for rental activity losses incurred by real estate professionals, but it’s not enough just to qualify as a real estate professional.

New law clears the way for small businesses to offer standalone HRAs

When President Obama signed into law the 21st Century Cures Act on December 13, 2016, most of the media coverage focused on the provisions related to medical innovation. But the law also includes some good news for small businesses that have been prohibited in recent years from providing their employees with Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs).

Beware of the “kiddie tax” trap

Making gifts to children and grandchildren is a strategy sometimes used to reduce taxes. Doing so may shift some of your income into a lower tax bracket and remove assets from your taxable estate.
